Prohibition laws, the 1987 Crash and Recession
Ronald Reagan published an autobiography in 2007 bragging about how he and Nancy had seen to it that only people willing to pee into a Drug Czar sample cup could hold jobs in the federal bureaucracy. All others would be fired.
Onto this bandwagon hopped a Texas congressman with ambitious plans to spread enforcement tentacles around the entire planet, invade other countries, choose foreign politicians and assassinate or jail any who balked. A year after Reagan's biography revealed--bragged about--what had gone on in the hustings, Texas President George W Bush blinked at teevee cameras as the economy crashed around him. Bush was absolutely baffled that "the market" Reagan, Bush Daddy and he himself had coerced at gunpoint with prohibitionist zeal and faith-based asset-forfeiture highway robbery, had "stopped working." Let's look at the record.
The following material was proudly posted on government websites, then disappeared as voters invested their ballots in Libertarian and Democratic repeal platform candidates. The plotting began in earnest on September 11, 1986.
9/11: H.R. 5484 Title: A bill to strengthen Federal efforts to encourage foreign cooperation in eradicating illicit drug crops and in halting international drug traffic, to improve enforcement of Federal drug laws and enhance interdiction of illicit drug shipments, to provide strong Federal leadership in establishing effective drug abuse prevention and education programs, to expand Federal support for drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation efforts, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Wright, James C., Jr. [TX-12] (introduced 9/8/1986) Texas Congressman Jim Wright
9/8/1986 Introduced in House
9/11/1986 Passed/agreed to in House: Passed House (Amended) by Yea-Nay Vote: 392 - 16 (Record Vote No: 378).
9/30/1986 Passed/agreed to in Senate: Passed Senate in lieu of S. 2878 with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 97-2. Record Vote No: 302.
10/8/1986 Resolving differences -- House actions: House Concurred, in Senate Amendments, with Amendments by Unanimous Consent.
10/15/1986 Resolving differences -- Senate actions: Senate concurred in the House amendment to the Senate amendment with an amendment by Voice Vote.
10/17/1986 Resolving differences -- House actions: House Concurred in Senate Amendments to House Amendments, with Amendments, by Unanimous Consent.
10/17/1986 Resolving differences -- Senate actions: Senate agreed to the House amendment to the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment by Voice Vote.
10/17/1986 Cleared for White House.
10/27/1986 Presented to President.
10/27/1986 Signed by President.
10/27/1986 Became Public Law No: 99-570. (Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986)
27OCT1986: Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. The penalty for any country that urges the production or distribution of illegal drugs, or whose officials do likewise, or that threatens US drug enforcement officials, or that fails to cooperate, is clearly stated: "The law requires the president to suspend all United States assistance, and to oppose any loans or other use of multilateral development banks funds for the benefit of any such country."
When was the last time you saw any reporting on this tiny tidbit of what went on during and after that 9/11 attack on the freedom of production and trade? When did you learn that U.S. law threatened and coerced other countries to intimidate them into silencing any talk of repealing prohibition? The above is only the sketchiest outline. The details are nothing if not surprising to those who never bothered to look until after the Crashes, recessions and military invasions, after the autobiography, and after the Crash of 2008 with its attendant recession. There is plenty more to come, straight from original sources.
Find out the juicy details behind the mother of all economic collapses. Prohibition and The Crash–Cause and Effect in 1929 is available in two languages on Amazon Kindle, as cheap as a pint of craft beer.

Brazilian Sci-fi from 1926 featuring the Hollywood-style beautiful daughter of a scientist touting prohibition and racial collectivism in America’s Black President 2228 by Monteiro Lobato, translated by J Henry Phillips (link)

Brazilian blog… Expatriotas
American blog… Libertariantranslator, with contact form

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