
Showing posts from February, 2025

Before the 1987 Crash

  Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats increased poisonous drug overdose deaths by banning natural and non-toxic preparations ( link )   Few noticed when California Governor Ronald Reagan banned LSD in 1967. An easily-transported  half-thimbleful made in Austin or Prague sufficed for some 5000 psychedelic experiences anywhere. But after Reagan became President, LSD was so effectively suppressed that primitive drugs moved into its vacant market niche, making use of existing trade networks. Middle-eastern countries such as Afghanistan and Iran ramped up narcotics production, and WW2-era poppy fields in Sinaloa, Mexico, were replanted with little delay. Dollars, spies and soldiers flowed abroad, overdose death rates grew exponentially. Totalitarian socialist congregants in South American countries--impoverished by U.S.-imposed prohibition laws--made hay with the fund-raising opportunities offered by fake U.S.-bought elections. American voters whose loved ones were...