
Prohibition laws, the 1987 Crash and Recession

Bush notices the difference between his prohibitionism and freedom of production and trade Ronald Reagan published an autobiography in 2007 bragging about how he and Nancy had seen to it that only people willing to pee into a Drug Czar sample cup could hold jobs in the federal bureaucracy. All others would be fired.  Onto this bandwagon hopped a Texas congressman with ambitious plans to spread enforcement tentacles around the entire planet, invade other countries, choose foreign politicians and assassinate or jail any who balked.  A year after Reagan's biography revealed--bragged about--what had gone on in the hustings, Texas President George W Bush blinked at teevee cameras as the economy crashed around him.  Bush was absolutely baffled that "the market" Reagan, Bush Daddy and he himself had coerced at gunpoint with prohibitionist zeal and faith-based asset-forfeiture highway robbery, had "stopped working." Let's look at the record.  The following materi

Prohibition, Financial Crisis, WAR

  Who was Germany's ally in WW1? (Amounts in kilos) If you guessed Turkey , you identified the German ally These United States exempted from a declaration of war in 1917 and shielded from accountability for genocidal extermination of Armenians. The graph does NOT tell you that the 14.1 tonnes of opium China shipped to Germany in 1912 came in large part from confiscated shipments after the 1911 revolt that ousted the Qing Empire and ended foreign dumping of opiates. Prohibition zealots are good at eliding inconvenient facts, but to understand how prohibition wrecks national economies it helps to understand that the freer the trade, the wealthier the nation. Does that mean that adding coercive meddling via deadly force impoverishes an economy? Let's find out.  My government-mandated History classes at UTexas thrilled at the showdown between banker Nicholas Biddle and President Andrew Jackson over the primitive national bank and were given to understand the Panic of 1837 result

The Versailles Prohibition Treaty

  The Versailles pact was the successful outcome of China using the USA to ban plant products Go ahead and ask Google : "What did the Versailles treaty do?" The corporate answers are dissembling lies. Americans, who mostly have never read the treaty or its Siamese-Twin corollary, the Charter of the League of Nations, are surprised, shocked, to learn the conflict is rooted in events of 1836.  Americans are vaguely aware there was a "Panic" in 1837, with financial crashes, a severe economic depression and considerable violence in the streets.  Stories cobbled to explain away the whole thing abound. Democrats urge readers to accept Andrew Jackson's suspicion of a central bank as the sole and ultimate cause. Republicans smugly add that charging payment in gold for government (meaning Indian) land caused a liquidity crunch. None of the stories mention that Mexico was China's trading partner , or that Texas was at war with Mexico in 1836 . Nor will the reader se

Herbert Hoover and Adolf Hitler

  Herbert Hoover tosses Moratorium Bait to Europeans The Great War of 1914-1918 resulted in the Versailles surrender treaty and several Armistice agreements, all of them bristling with references to chemical drugs and narcotics nobody ever mentions. The Versailles treaty also demanded that Germany pay for damage done by WW1. The US refused to charge Germany reparations but did expect repayment of loans taken by many European nations during that war. Those worthies in turn demanded the German reparations out of which they imagined they'd pay those loans outstanding. Thirteen years later Germans ans everyone else were trying everything to get out of those payments. Herbert Hoover "seen his chance" to fasten on another narcotics convention building onto seldom-mentioned  narotics limitation plans advanced in 1929 and 1930 within the League of Nations.   On 22APR1931 the Hoover Administration roped Germany  into an Extradition Treaty not very different from one entered into

Volstead Act Collapse III, 15-21

  Every bank in the USA was shut BEFORE March 1933 thanks to Bert Hoover opening corporate tax returns to scrutiny by State officials  Sec. 16. Any tax payable upon alcohol under existing law may be collected either by assessment or by stamp as regulations shall provide; and if by stamp, regulations shall issue prescribing the kind of stamp to be used and the manner of affixing and canceling the same. Sec. 17. When any property is seized for violation of this title it may be released to the claimant or to any intervening party, in the discretion of the commissioner, on a bond given and approved. Sec. 18. All administrative provisions of internal-revenue law, including those relating to assessment, collection, abatement, and refund of taxes and penalties, and the seizure and forfeiture of property, are made applicable to this title in so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions thereof. Sec. 19. All prior statutes relating to alcohol as defined in this title ar

Volstead Act Collapse III, 12-14, General Provisions

  Panic cartoon during 1905 China boycott of U.S. goods The U.S. responded with the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906 which required morphine labeling and caused The Panic, then the Hague Opium Convention of 1909, which caused WW1. Surely you recall these from history class, no? GENERAL PROVISIONS. SEC. 12 . The penalties provided in this title shall be in addition to any penalties provided in title 2 of this Act, unless expressly otherwise therein provided. SEC. 13 . The commissioner shall from time to time issue regulations respecting the establishment, bonding, and operation of industrial alcohol plants, denaturing plants, and bonded warehouses authorized herein, and the distribution, sale, export, and use of alcohol which may be necessary, advisable, or proper, to secure the revenue , to prevent diversion of the alcohol to illegal uses, and to place the nonbeverage alcohol industry and other industries using such alcohol as a chemical raw material or for other lawful purpose upon th

Volstead Act Collapse III, 10-11

  Government poisoning of alcohol began in 1906. TAX-FREE ALCOHOL SEC. 10 . Upon the filing of application and bond and issuance of permit denaturing plants may be established upon the premises of any industrial alcohol plant, or elsewhere, and shall be used exclusively for the denaturation of alcohol by the admixture of such denaturing materials as shall render the alcohol, or any compound in which it is authorized to be used, unfit for use as an intoxicating beverage. SEC. 11 . Alcohol produced at any industrial alcohol plant or stored in any bonded warehouse may, under regulations, be withdrawn tax-free as provided by existing law from such plant or warehouse for transfer to any denaturing plant for denaturation , or may, under regulations, before or after denaturation, be removed from any such plant or warehouse for any lawful tax-free purpose. Spirits of less proof than one hundred and sixty degrees may, under regulations, be deemed to be alcohol for the purpose of denaturation, u